Thursday, November 6, 2008

A rising star?

Leapyears homerun

As we all know, Mediacorp Raintree Pictures is a Singapore-based company. This company has achieve tremendous fame and credit in movies such as The Leap Years and Homerun. In their official website, Mediacorp Raintree Pictures mentioned that they are "interested in producing mainstream movies, movies that audiences regardless of language or culture can relate to." This tells a lot about their intention of horizontal expansion.


Being a small company as compared to 20th Century Fox, its appetite for production is huge. Any producers, directors or writers can approach the company and work out a way to embark on new projects. Furthermore,the company constantly collaborate with media companies from other countries to produce movies. Being stationed in Singapore, it is ideal as Singapore is a hub where the East and West merge. Although there might be cultural imperialism at play by the US on Singapore culture, movies such as 881 had helped to retain the "Singapore flavour" in our movies. Apparently, we might be exposed to other cultures but we must not forget our roots, our culture.

With such a local company existing to bring out new talents and encourage Singaporeans to be creative, I believe that future movies by Mediacorp Raintree Pictures will be a mixture of cultures, whereby many would see familiarity with today's society.


Chloe said...

Hi zhongwei!
I believe that Mediacorp Raintree Pictures has the potential in producing more movies that are characterized by different cultures and their practice. This is a good thing as after watching these movies,people will be more aware of the different cultural groups and their practice. This will benefit people who come from modern families not knowing the existence or not having any knowledge for these other cultures.
However, these types of movies may serve to be a cultural barrier to communication. Notice that in the movies that Media corp Raintree Pictures produced, some of the actors speak in dialect which is unknown to a lot of audience. Even though, there is subtitles but meanings may not be directly translatable. Hence, when people could not grasp the real meaning behind these movies, they may gradually be turned off to such shows.
Thus, it is quite risky for Media Corp Raintree Pictures to produce these kinds of culture related movies.

Bryan J Wong said...

Yes, i think it is great that Raintree Pictures is expanding. I believe that they will be able to make it in foreign markets too. With more investments and a bigger budget, i think they are capable of making great movies. I have always enjoyed local shows, because there is an uncanny affinity that is difficult to explain. Majulah Singapura!

Jun said...

yep. I agree. At this rate, globalization would help Mediacorp Raintree pictures penetrate into different markets.
Besides that, foriegn nations will also get the chance to understand our culture.

Chloe said...

Yes i agree with jsquared to a certain extent. But by looking at a movie, it is hard to define what is our culture to them as well. Hence, they most probably would not be able to understand what is the underlying meaning of the movie.

yijing said...

I believe that Raintree is trying to reach out to the overseas market. We can see in the various movies that they have produced. From local productions to other asian films, indeed, there is a unique mix of culture. Perhaps, this is one of their strategy to attract their audience?

I thought that the way they markt their movie is crucial too. Imagine airing the 881 trailer on SCV. Will it garner much attention?
The targetted audience is just as important.

And I agree with you that "future movies by Raintree will be a mixture of cultures, whereby many would see familiarity with today's society."
