Saturday, October 11, 2008

Singapore culture

What exactly is the Singapore culture? Many would say that we have a collectivist culture, intertwined with the mixture of Western and Eastern culture. As the majority of the population in Singapore are Chinese, we tend to be more traditional. However, the influx of Western influence is changing Singapore gradually into a Neo-Western society.

Evidence of Westernization in Singapore

Look all around you. McDonald's, Adidas, Starbucks, etc. All these shops are evidence of Westernization in Singapore. Those former generations' traditions are diminishing and the Singaporeans are adopting a more Westernized lifestyle. Inevitably, family values will change too. Teenagers are not as close to their family as previous generations used to be. The over-reliance of technology have distanced everyone. Life has become easier yet complex. We live with ease, but have the problem of communicating to a large social network. Furthermore, Singaporeans are becoming more selfish and are always in a rush. In other words, we are becoming more individualistic.

So, are we advancing for the better? Is it about competition between or cohesion of interpersonal bonds and ease of life?


Kai Siang said...

Embracing the styles and patterns of a superpower (eg. America) has its benefits. Just like in Ancient Rome where people chose to embrace the Roman culture just because there are many benefits to do so. So i guess Singapore is imitating America in a way in order to prosper.

AmandaCWL said...

err.. i do not really understand what has the picture got to do with your post. but yes, i agree that singapore is a collectivist society, however retaining the traditional and oriental values we have. for example, we still value kinship and family life, etc. i think there is nothing wrong with absorbing Western culture if we take only the cream of it.

Z said...

The picture is an evidence that foreign brands are present in Singapore and that Singapore is being Westernized.

Anonymous said...

Singapore, being a small island nation, clearly has not distinctly culture of its own.

It can be said we are a melting pot of sorts, a victim of capitalism as you have pointed out.

Capitalism dictates that the strongest survive as those who cannot stand up to the challenge are forced to exit the stage.

I would like to think that we are advancing forward as a society. That material wealth is of utmost importance, and that nothing else matters. Which is true to a large extent but to which nobody would openly admit. We are in a time that we are fighting that our survival, in this urban concrete jungle of ours.

Jerome Yeo said...

i say the singapore culture is the copycat culture. this means take what others have and make it ur own. this is very evident like the london eye, F1 all around the world. IR simialr to Macaw, shopping paradise of hongkong, food from all over the world! As u can see how "rojak" our country is. taking from others and reinventing them to make them one better than their previous owners is what we do best! dont u think so?

Z said...

I got to agree that Singapore excels at copying certain aspects of other cultures and incorporate it as its own. I guess what makes Singapore so unique is precisely because of this "rojak" culture. Being a multi-racial society, i'm not surprised about the fact that there is a mixture of culture here.

Ms Bendy said...

hi Zhong Wei. I agree with you that the modern singapore consists of a mixture of different cultures, thanks to globalisation. Of course, that has its pros and cons because we need changes in order to make progress. However, one worry is the preference towards the western culture, also known as MacDonalisation, that would cause people to abandon their own cultures and become a "slave" to Ronald MacDonald.

Jun said...

It is true that Asian countries are more interdependent than western countries. Asians treasure kinship more than westerners do.
"A single arrow is easily broken, but not ten in a bundle."
"Behind an able man, there are always other able men."
Asians are more likely to agree with the proverbs above than westerners do.
However, due to globalization which is enhanced by advancement in technologies, more Asian countries like Singapore are becoming individualized because of capitalization. There are pro and cons, what that is most important is to find the balance point in life.

yijing said...

The westernization in Singapore has become evident when most locals are opting for foreign brands and are not showing support to local products. Marketing strategies that the foreign companies used also have a part to play. The big-shot movie stars that they invite as embassdors draw attention. as such, many are drawn to it.

I believe that we should all aim for a "cohesion of interpersonal bonds and ease of life".
